Episode 31

Wendy’s Chief Corporate Affairs & Sustainability Officer, Liliana Esposito, on Maintaining a Winning Edge in Social

Liliana Esposito is the Chief Corporate Affairs & Sustainability Officer at The Wendy's Company where she guides public affairs and communications to build and protect the company’s reputation. Liliana has spent nearly 15 years leading communications for consumer packaged goods, beverage and restaurant brands, with stints at Burson-Marsteller, Mars, and Dean Foods. 

Wendy’s is one of the most notoriously funny brands on social media and also one of the boldest. It is an example of a brand that executes many firsts, with cutting edge campaigns and stunts that have never been done before. In this conversation, we discussed Liliana’s experience during the pandemic, her approach to DE&I, and how Wendy’s is able to keep its winning edge in the social media ecosystem.

Feel free to listen to the entire conversation on Lippe Taylor’s Frictionless Marketing Podcast below. 

Here are some key takeaways from this conversation with Liliana.

Be inspired, but be yourself.

When it comes to Wendy's, the brand's constant innovations and fresh thinking--coupled with its funny and often sassy humor--makes it an extremely unique voice. Liliana is often asked by other brand executives how their brand can be more like Wendy's, to which she often replies, “Don't.” Instead of attempting to replicate a brand's presence, Liliana recommends that brands find their own voice by determining what they can bring to the community. Communal listening is a key element of this.

Don't kill creativity with ROI.

One of Wendy's traditions is Roast Day, in which they publicly roast a slew of other brands, resulting in hilarious Twitter banter. This is a very unique stunt that Wendy's has become known for, but Liliana speaks to how it’s not designed just to sell more chicken nuggets. The point is, things like this help the brand build a following and remain top-of-mind, which naturally leads to better business results.

Transparency is key during uncertain times, as is community.

Throughout the course of the pandemic, companies universally had to take a deeper dive into their internal communications approach and Wendy's was no different. Liliana claimed that among employees and key stakeholders there was a craving for both up-to-date information and a connection with the Company. As a result, she streamlined communication protocols in favor of real-time conversations which enabled the company to thrive during these uncertain times. Internal comms approaches are being completely rebooted, and for good reason. It's time to throw out the rule books and speak with your people and stakeholders in real time.

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Produced by Simpler Media